Sunday, September 22, 2013

TOW 2 - Syria Cartoon (Dan Nott)

With the conflict over Syria's use of chemical weapons, it is no surprise that there is an abundance of political cartoons about the subject. Political cartoons typically explain the public’s general attitude towards a current event. I have seen numerous images emphasizing Obama’s red line, Assad with a butcher’s knife, or Putin handing off weapons to the Syrians. However Dan Nott, the artist behind the cartoon below, expresses a different and unlikely opinion. In this image, the author establishes his credibility through his knowledge and understanding of the issue: he reminds the audience, anyone up to date in current events, of the choices President Obama has, and then he states the aftermath of each option if it were to be chosen. The results of each door appeal to logic, as the audience can understand how or why those possibilities would occur. The inclusion of those speech bubbles demonstrates not only Nott’s empathy for the President, but also for the Syrian people. Nott’s diction, “death, escalation, and chaos,” causes the audience to mimic his feelings of empathy towards both the Syrians and the President. Nott explains that the President will be “blamed” for the results of either scenario, no matter what Obama chooses. Essentially, that was Nott’s purpose: to convince the audience to understand that the President has a tough decision to make that, in either situation, is a no win scenario. Nott wants the audience to not be so narrow-minded as the situation is not as simple as anyone would like to believe. This idea is refreshing: cartoonists tend to pick apart politicians; so to see one encourage the public to empathize with the President is inspirational. The purpose of this cartoon easily gets across to the reader in a way that is innovative, compassionate and clever, for that I admire Nott.

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