Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dear Future APELC-er...

Dear Future APELC-er,

Congrats for signing up for this course! All lot of your peers probably warned you against taking this class due to its formidable reputation in the past. Fear not. It's really not that bad.

 The truth is the most challenging part about this class for me was taking tests. I've always had a love of writing, which definitely helped me in the course along with my grade, however my test-taking skills were not up to par. The class tests both your ability to analyze a text, whether or not you grasped its purpose, how the author achieved that purpose, etc., and your ability to take what you've learned from other writers and apply it to your own work. There is definitely a learning curve required with this course, but it is almost guaranteed that everyone will improve in some aspect.

I think the best way to get the most out of this course would be to keep an open mind. It's pointless to go into expecting the worst; it will be a challenge, there will be grades that you're not used to getting, and you will have to work hard to get an A or a B. But to me this class was so worth the extra effort: it was truly enjoyable, and my writing and analysis definitely improved over the course of the year.

Work hard but don't stress too much. Mr. Yost will say this a lot over the year so get used to it: it's only school. (I rolled my eyes the first time I heard that, but looking back I appreciate the encouragement so much more. It gave me a new perspective that I never fully understand till now.)

Good luck! You'll be fine!


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