As much as the easiest solution is to deem Lance Armstrong in the wrong, the circumstances do not allow for such a black-and-white answer. Whether or not Lance Armstrong was justified in using and lying about using performance enhancing drugs remains a controversy today. Arguments vary from each end of the spectrum as in he was completely justified or unjustified in his actions. The most conceivable argument is that Armstrong was justified in his doping, however his extended lie was inappropriate and short-sighted.
Doping was the norm of Armstrong's era. The various testimonies explicitly stated that just about all of the top cyclists were accused of or found guilty of using performance enhancers. In order to not only compete, but also thrive in this line of work at the time most had to use these drugs. Although it may not have been ethical, the audience of this documentary can be sympathetic to Armstrong's position; almost everyone has been in a situation in which one must decide whether a specific circumstance rationalizes breaking the rules. One testimony stated that we could have accepted Armstrong's doping because everyone else had been doing the same, but it was his constant denial that irked the public and the officials.
Armstrong's nagging rebuttals were the most infuriating part of his doping scandal. Numerous first-hand witnesses with obvious credibility snitched on Armstrong, but neither he nor his devoted fans would recognize anything the opposition said. Armstrong avidly protested the accusations and viciously attacked anyone behind them. Armstrong lied and got caught. He has no excuses and no one to blame but himself. If Armstrong had admitted to his drug use early on it is likely that his name would not live in infamy as it does today.
It is easy to reflect on Armstrong's career criticizing his decisions and denouncing his name; however in that moment Armstrong was genuinely terrified for his future and decided to do what he believed was the best of the worst options. As viewers of this documentary and commentators of the world's issues, it is important to remember that we were not in the shoes of this person at that moment. We did not live their moments, so who are we to judge them? If every bad decision were publicized no one would be remembered for his or her good judgement.
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